11 DIY Tips for Tiling at Home

June 09, 2023

DIY Floor tiles

If you are new to home DIY, you may have been told that tiling is a difficult project to take on without plenty of experience. Although this can be the case, if you are willing to take your time and learn the correct process, you can achieve professional-looking results at a fraction of the cost. These 11 tips will help you to successfully tile your own home with ease.

1. Measure Your Space Accurately

Since any errors in your tiling will be obvious once the project is complete, it is vital that you measure precisely and double-check your dimensions for the space being tiled. Use a measuring tape with increments small enough to provide extreme levels of accuracy. Whether you are tiling a floor, a wall, or anything else, you will need to keep a note of the exact dimensions in order to purchase the right quantity of tiles for the job

2. Prep the Area

You will need to prepare the surface of whichever part of your home you plan to tile. It must be clean and dry before you even attempt to begin tiling. Use a scraping tool to get rid of any bumps or unwanted texture on the surface before applying a primer. If you are tiling an uneven surface, you can use a leveling mixture that will provide a smoother surface to work on. Again, it must be completely dry before you try to place the first tiles.

3. Find Your Tiles

Choosing the right tiles for your project will depend on your own personal taste and the purpose of the space. Floor tiles and wall tiles can be the same; however, each has different properties. For example, you will see that the tiles at www.mystonefloor.com are designed to be durable for walking on. Tiles for walls are usually thinner and lighter to make it more difficult for them to come away from the wall, whereas gravity keeps even loose floor tiles in place. Make sure you select tiles that will fit well with your space, both practically and stylistically.

4. Protect Yourself

As with many types of DIY project, there is a level of risk involved that can be limited by using proper safety equipment. Goggles, gloves, and a face mask will protect you from the substances used in tiling, such as the grout and any tile shards. Knee pads may also be a good idea if you will be kneeling for extended periods of time during the project. Keep windows open to encourage good ventilation in the space you're working in, even if you wear a face mask. Fumes and particulate matter from tiling materials can cause infections or serious illness if inhaled.

5. Begin in the Middle

For the most professional results, it is best to start placing tiles in the middle of the surface. This will help to create a more balanced overall appearance as well as make it easier for you to work your way from the inside out. Especially for tiles with a strictly regular shape and pattern, starting in the middle acts as a guide for keeping the entire project straight and level.

6. Ensure Regular Space Between Tiles

You can find tile spacers at hardware stores or online. These are simple tools used to keep your tiles equal distances apart when creating the layout. Without spacers, you will have to measure extremely accurately and use your eye to judge how well-spaced each tile is from those around it. Irregular spacing might not seem obvious at first, but when you step back, it will quickly become apparent.

7. Prepare the Grout

Grout is the substance you use to fill the gaps between tiles that keeps them in place. Depending on the type of grout you buy and what the manufacturer's instructions say, you will need to prepare the grout before applying it. You want to avoid air bubbles in your grout as this will disturb the neatness of the project. Aim for a smooth consistency when mixing your grout, and leave it to settle briefly before use.

8. Cut Your Tiles Carefully

It is likely that you will have to cut your tiles to fit within the space, unless the surface happens to be perfectly sized for the precise dimensions of the tile you've chosen. With a high-quality tile cutter, mark out where you need to cut on the tile and practice on a spare if you can. The brittle and delicate nature of many tile materials makes cutting a real challenge for any amateur DIYer.

9. Apply and Seal the Grout

Once the grout has been allowed to sit for a minute or two, apply it evenly across the tiles and press it between each tile to fill the joins. To avoid grout drying on the tile surface, wipe any excess with a wet cloth. This is one of the more delicate processes in tiling, so take your time and pay attention.

10. Wait Until Dry

Tiles are often used on walls and flooring in high-traffic areas of a home, such as a bathroom or kitchen. Before you start using the space again, make sure that you have given the tiles ample time to dry. If the grout is still wet when you take a shower or walk on the floor, you will disturb the alignment and have to start again. Check guidance from the grout manufacturer for details about how long it takes to dry.

11. Clean Your Tiles

Once the grout is no longer wet, it is time to clean the tiles. This will remove any remnants of grout or other dust that will distract from the visual effect. Be gentle, especially with painted ceramic tiles, as rough cleaning can lift the surface coating and cause unnecessary wear.

There are plenty of benefits to tiling your home by yourself. Apart from adding this useful skill to your list of abilities, you will also save money on hiring out a professional tiler, which can often cost more than you might expect. Remember these eleven practical tips for when you start to tackle your own tiling project, and good luck.

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